At the end of August, parts of Georgian Bath were to be transformed for the filming of a new TV series. As a local resident I got to see first hand some of the Bath locations, and scenes for this Netflix smash.
Set between 1813 and 1827, Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton Series is a collection of eight novels, each featuring one of the eight children of the late Viscount Bridgerton: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. (source)
Bridgerton Series 1 Filming Locations in Bath
One half of the Royal Crescent had been closed for 3 days of filming, with the front of No. 1 standing in for a London townhouse. The wider crescent was used for some ‘action’ scenes involving costumed actors, period carriages and horses.

We were staying in a flat giving us a ringside seat for the filming.
On the first day of closure, there was no filming just preparation. Topiary and statues were placed outside No. 1 – street lamps were fitted and the door repainted.

Dark grey mats were laid over the double yellow lines to maintain the authenticity. Opposite number one, two large green screens were mounted on fork lifts.
In front of the Royal Crescent houses, a collection of carriages appeared. Two ‘carriages’ a coal cart and some buggies.

Filming took place on the second day. We watched from the window as beautifully dressed extras promenaded around the Crescent as horses trotted across the cobbles.
We must have watched hours of set ups and changes for what must have been moments on screen.

Watching the preparation and filming made me realise just how many people are involved in shooting a movie or TV show. You think about the actors, the camera crew and the directors but I certainly didn’t realise the extent of others involved in production. There must have been another 10 people behind the camera, checking the outfits, making sure they young actor was supported, each horse had a handler. The security team that closed the road, the caterers that cooked the food and the dressers, drivers and general dogsbodies that make the show run.

Despite the odd inconvenience of a blocked street, it was definitely fun to watch. And, I got some great shots too!
Bridgerton’s Bath – the Book
You can see more of my photos in this wonderful book on sale from local book stores and online.