The Beatles Statue is an iconic tribute to Liverpool’s most famous band.
It was unveiled in 2015 after the Cavern Club owners had felt there was no one place Beatles fans could gather in Liverpool to celebrate the band. London had Abbey Road, but the narrow street of the Cavern Club didn’t feel like the best gathering spot.
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Located on the renovated Pier Head, the Beatles statue stands between the ‘Three Graces’ (Royal Liver Building, The Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building) and the beautiful, modern, Mersey Ferries building.
The Secrets Of The Beatles Statues
If you look closely, each one of the band has a small detail personal to their history.
Paul’s Camera
Paul McCartney carries a camera, possibly in a nod to his relationship with Linda Eastman.

John’s Acorns
John Lennon has two acorns in his cupped hand. In June of 1968, Yoko Ono and John Lennon planted two acorns in the garden of Coventry Cathedral, England. The seeds, they said, represented their wish for world peace. After marrying in 1969, the couple sent a pair of acorns to leaders across the world asking that the “living sculptures” be planted as a symbol of world peace.

You can see by the shiny bits that many people rub John’s acorns when they spot the secret!
Ringo’s Boot
Ringo Starr has the number ‘8’ printed on the sole of his boot. The ‘8’ references L8, his childhood Postcode in Liverpool. You’ll need to kneel down and flip your camera if you want a picture of this secret!

George’s Belt
George Harrison has Sanskrit writing on the belt of his coat. According to the Cavern Club, it is a mantra that roughly translate to “The Infinite Beyond Conception, we meditate upon that Light of Wisdom, which is the Supreme Wealth of the God.”

The statue has beautiful movement. In the morning the sun is on their backs making it harder to get the right photo, but as the sun sets across the Mersey, the band are bathed in light.

The Beatles statues are slightly taller than lifesize as you can see ! They are maybe a head and shoulders taller than me at 6ft.

A Meeting Point for Beatles Fans
The idea for a meeting point, or a focal point for Beatles fans clearly works. In my last visits of March 2024, I met Beatles fans from Germany, Sweden and Brazil. They had all come to Liverpool to see the Beatles and to get their photos taken with the Beatles Statue. We shared journeys, memories and took turns to ensure everyone got their pictures.
Some talked of seeing them in concert (lucky!) others of their favourite song, album or Beatle! For just a few minutes, I felt connected to the world through this one statue in Liverpool.
You can see from the shiny rub marks on the different statue parts that people feel connected. Some people have their own traditions. Some ‘bop’ Paul on the nose, some feel the acorns. I have heard people leave flowers on John’s Birthday – I’d like to see that.
Others just drape a scarf around their favourite Beatle.

Where is The Beatles Statue in Liverpool?

You can find the statue at Liverpool’s Pier Head
Located in the newly renovated Pier Head, the ‘fab four’ are dressed in the style around the time of ‘Hard Days Night’ about ten minutes walk from the Beatles Story.
The statue was the meeting point for a Beatles Walk I took one weekend. The 90-minute guide explained those finer points about the statue (which I had not read elsewhere) before taking us on a short pilgrimage to iconic locations in the city’s Beatles history. I highly recommend If you want to get a sense of the commercial and cultural history of the city.
Do you need to book in advance to visit Beatles Statue?
No! it’s a free statue in Liverpool. You may need to hang around to get your own picture without anyone else but you don’t need to book or pay to see the statue!
What’s the best way to see Beatles Statue?
For great pictures you want to see the statue in the afternoon. The Beatles face west towards the water, which means the sun will be behind the fab 4 until the afternoon. If you don’t want to take pictures into the sun, pop along after lunch. Maybe visit the Beatles Story or Liverpool Museum before heading across to the statue.
More Beatles Statues in Liverpool

The iconic ‘Fab Four’ is not the only Beatles Statue in Liverpool but it may be the best… In Matthews Street, home of the legendary Cavern Club you can see an almost life-size statue of John Lennon, leaning against the wall (map link). During an earlier visit, the city was alive with celebrations for Sgt. Pepper’s 50th anniversary.
Two minutes up the road on Stanley Street, you can also find a statue to Eleanor Rigby.
The bronze statue casts a lady sitting on a stone bench. She has a handbag on her lap, a shopping bag on her right, and a copy of the newspaper the Liverpool Echo on her left.
The plaque behind states,
This statue was sculpted and donated to the City of Liverpool by Tommy Steele as a tribute to the Beatles.
The casting was sponsored by the Liverpool Echo. DECEMBER 1982“

Read more about the Beatles statue here:
See Also: 24 hours in Liverpool | Hard Times are Over
I want to spend more time in the Beatles’ Liverpool soaking up the atmosphere and the history. What are your favourite Beatles places, or ones I should visit?